Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-(USA) Political Science Liberalism Set-[USA] Political Science India Constitution Set-[USA] Political Science India Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-Political Science Al-(USA) Political Science International Law Set/2 Sample Test,Sample questions

  A diplomatic agent is immune from local jurisdiction:

1. In all cases

2.In criminal cases

3.In cases involving personal property

4.None of these

  Coastal and land-locked States according to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea have:

1.No right of freedom of fishing in high seas

2.No right of freedom of scientific research in high

3.A right to sail ships flying its flag on the high seas

4.None of these

  European convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundmental Freedoms was adopted in:




4.None of these

  Exclusive Economic zone of Pakistan is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial waters the limit of which is:

1.200 nautical miles

2.12 nautical miles

3.100 nautical miles

4.None of these

  In procedural matters the decisions of the Security Council are made by an affirmative votes of any:

1.5 members

2.9 members

3.15 members

4.None of these

  Statutes of the International Court of Justice were drawn up by:

1.London Declaration in 1941

2.Moscow & Teheran Conference in 1943

3.San Francisco Conference in 1945

4.None of these

  Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in:




4.None of these

  Vienna Congress too place in:




4.None of these

 A State has the right to use force in case of:

1.To obtain raw material

2.Armed attack

3.to ensure the protection of human rights

4.None of these

 Convention on the Law of the Sea was signed at Jamaica in:





 The Security Council is:

1.Specialized Agency of the UN

2.Principal Organ of the UN

3.N.G.O. For settling disputes between various States

4.None of these

 The term of Judges of the International Court of Justice is:

1.Three years

2.Five years

3.Six years

4.Nine years

 What is contraband?

1.All Narcotics

2.Articles banned by a Government

3.All smuggled goods

4.Goods which may assist an enemy in the conduct of war

 Which one of the following is called. The father of International Law:



3.Hugo Grotius


A Successor state inherits:

1.All right/duties of its predecessor state

2.Selected right/duties


4.None of these

According to The Floating Island Theory a Floating Island is:

1.An island within 3 nautical miles from the coast of a country

2.An island on the high seas which is not the territory of any particular State

3.A ship bearing the national flag of a State

4.None of these

According to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea the contiguous zone may not extend beyond:

1.12 nautical miles

2.18 nautical miles

3.24 nautical miles

4.None of these

Continental Shelf of Pakistan may extend upto a distance of:

1.150 nautical miles

2.200 nautical miles

3.300 nautical miles beyond the limit of its territorial waters

4.None of these

De factor Recognition is:

1.Legal Recognition

2.Recognition in principle

3.Circumstantial Recognition

4.None of these

Diplomatic relations are established by:

1.Mutual agreement

2.Unilateral action

3.Decission of neighbouring States

4.None of these

Extradition is granted in case of:

1.Ordinary criminals

2.Political & religious criminals

3.Heads of States & Government

4.None of these

Extradition is normally granted:

1. In all cases

2. In criminal cases

3.In civil cases

4.None of these

Foreign Ships:

1.Have the right of free passage in the Territorial Waters

2.Are not allowed to navigate in the Territorial Waters

3.Have the right of innocent passage I age to the Territorial Waters

4.None of these

Most-avoured Nation treatment means:

1.A treatment extended to a particular group

2.A favourable treatment extended to a particular state

3.A treatment similar to the one extended to any third state

4.None of these

right of land-locked states are governed by:

1.Rules of customary International Law

2.Convention on the law of Sea

3.Mutual Consent

4.None of these

Select the correct one:

1.Only coastal states have the right to sail ships under their flag on the high sea

2.Every State has the right to sail ship under its flag on the high seas

3.Only five big powers have the right to sail ships under their flag on the high seas

4.None of these

Territorial integrity means:

1.A state can interfere in the internal affairs of another state

2.Non-interference in the internal affairs of another state

3.A state s boundaries are secure & cannot be attacked

4.None of these

The limit of the territorial Waters of Pakistan is:

1.12 nautical miles

2.20 nautical miles

3.24 nautical miles beyond the land territory and internal waters; of Pakistan measured from the baseline

4.None of these


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